Vacation.Txt Copyright 1994 Don Bjortomt, All Rights Reserved A Dos program to make it easy to schedule, maintain and print Employee vacation records. Version 2.1 First Share Ware release. April 12, 1994 (1 Disk) Version 2.11 Fixed problem with Next Screen Box and dynamic lines around employees. April 14, 1994. Version 2.3 Added Highliting for Menu screens. May 21,1994 Version 2.4 Improved indexing, fixed problem of blowing thru some menus on machines with Pentium [TM] chips. September 14, 1994. Version 2.46 Changed extension on backup files from .Dbf to .Bak to prevent file corruption in case the backup was done to the same drive the program was on. Jan 1995. Files included in distribution package: a. Vacation.Exe b. Vacation.Pif c. Vacation.Txt Hardware Requirements: a. Color Monitor b. Mouse c. Printer d. 380K ram e. Hard or floppy drive 1.2 meg or greater. Main Feature of Program: Once the employee's name and number of days earned is typed in you may never need to type again. Click the "Schedule Vacations" option. A list of employees will come up. Click on an employee and a calander will come up. Click on the dates and they will be entered into the employee's record. Never type a date again! Instructions: Installation: Create a directory to put the file in. (ie. At C: prompt type md vacation) Change to the vacation directory. (ie. At C: prompt type cd\vacation) Put the floppy disk in drive A:. At the C: prompt type copy a:vacation.* Type vacation and hit the enter key. First Time Program is run: The program will check the default drive for the existence of Employee.Dbf and Vacation.Dbf. If they do not exist they will be created along with two index files. Add Employees: If you have an unregistered Share Ware release you will be limited to 20 employees and 60 vacation days. If either limit is exceeded on the unregistered release you will be locked out of the program. You can get back into the program by erasing the employee.dbf and vacation.dbf files if you want to see more of the features. If more employees or vacation days are required please register your release to obtain a disk without these limitations. You will then be able to schedule up to 999 employees and up to 99 vacation days per employee. If more than 999 employees are required please contact the author at the address given below. You should select the Add Employees option the first time you use the program as none of the other options can do anything without the employees being added first. There is no need to type caps or small letters as all names will be changed to start with a cap. Schedule Vacations: If you have an unregistered Shareware version you will be limited to 60 total vacation days that can be scheduled. Click on the employee name to bring up a calendar. Note the +/- Month and +/- Year boxes at the bottom of the calandar. As you would expect these add or subtract months or years. Click on up to 15 days and they will be returned when you click on the end/save button. You will be asked if there are any partial days. If you select the yes button you will be given the option to enter a two didget decimal number for partial days. You may hit the enter key to get to the day you want to change. Entering without changing the number will insert a 1. Previously scheduled days will show on the calendar as a number in a black button. Print Menu: This option offers: Print Summary: A summary printout of all employees Print Individual: Select an employee for a detailed printout of each employees used or scheduled vacation days. Print Date Range: Print all vacations scheduled between two date ranges. The first and last days of the month are suggested, but you may put in any starting and ending dates. Edit Names or Dates: The Names option allows you to correct spellings or number of days earned. You will be given an option to delete the name record. If you choose it the vacation dates for this employee will also be deleted. The dates option allows you to change dates or delete vacation the the employee may have cancelled. Re-Index Files: This option should be taken if you are experiencing any unusual problem. It is possible for indexes to become corrupted. Choosing this option should clear up these problems. Utility Menu: Use Backup option to backup files. Note that the disk used must be large enough to hold the data. You will be advised how many bytes are required to hold the file data. Use the begin new year option to delete all records out of the vacation date file. The employee name file will be alphabetically resequenced. The scheduled vacation dates will be eliminated. If you want to save last years dates back them up first. To use with Windows (TM) To run the program under Windows (TM) you should call the program from a .Pif file. A sample .Pif file is included. If you do not install the Vacation.Exe file in the C:\Vacation directory you will need to modify the .Pif file with the Pif editor to show the correct working directory. To use a mouse with a non-Windows application that is running under Windows you must set up the mouse driver before starting Windows. For a Microsoft (TM) mouse, you need to use either the MOUSE.SYS or MOUSE.COM driver, usually located in your windows directory. Both drivers are provided with Windows. You set up Mouse.Sys in the CONFIG.SYS. file, you set up MOUSE.COM in the\ AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example, to specify the MOUSE.SYS device driver located in the WINDOWS directory on drive C, add the following command line to your CONFIG.SYS file: device=c:\windows\mouse.sys To do this in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file instead of the CONFIG.SYS file: c:\windows\ This is required for the mouse to be recogized by a Dos program running under windows. If this was a windows program this setup would be unecessary. Conscience: If you have the unregistered version of Vacation Scheduler you exit the program through the conscience menu where I have placed a request for registration: The registration screen will take about 5 seconds to disappear after clicking on the OK button. Disclaimer: The author disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether expressed or implied. The user must test the program to determine if it fills his requirements. Registration: If you like and use the program for scheduling vacations please send $20.00 (United States and it territories) for a "Conscience" free disk, with your name and address to the address shown below: " Don Bjortomt " " 1920 White Eagle Drive " " Huntington IN 46750-1386 " Unless otherwise specified a 1.44MB High density 3 & 1/2" floppy will be sent because it is less likely to be damaged thru the mail. Suggestions for improvements may be sent to the above address or to my User ID 73520,3152 via CompuServe (R).